1/28/06 (updated 1/31/06) -- Oklahoma City - Last week an Oklahoma City police officer was fired after allegations he had been having sex with prostitutes in is patrol car. Oklahoma County district attorney Wes Lane refuses to prosecute.
JohnTV.com had been receiving information on at least two officers that were being investigated for engaging in sexual intercourse with prostitutes in their patrol cars while on duty. Last night the investigation and result of at least one officer was confirmed by a report aired on KFOR News Channel 4.
According to the report, police internal affairs conducted a lengthy investigation into Oklahoma City police officer Jeff Sellers. The results of that investigation were turned over to Oklahoma County district attorney Wes Lane. Lane refused to file charges against the officer.
Police administration decided there was enough evidence to warrant firing Sellers.
A source close to the Oklahoma City police department tells JohnTV.com that Sellers was not the only officer investigated in this case. Another officer, who JohnTV.com will only identify as T.B. was allowed to retire and maintain full benefits as opposed to being fired for his alleged criminal activity.
JohnTV.com speculates that DA Wes Lane was hesitant to uphold his duty and moral obligation to criminally charge the officer(s) because this is an election year for Lane and he desperately desires the support of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).
JohnTV.com's source says there have actually been several similar investigations stemming from credible allegations that Oklahoma City police officers have victimized those they are entrusted to protect the community from. In several cases officers were moved to other police divisions or given "desk" jobs.
When a man procures a street prostitute he is betraying his family and continuing the victimization of the woman engaged in street prostitution. When an officer of the law, in uniform and on duty, procures a street prostitute he has betrayed the entire community and violated his oath. The only thing more inexcusable than an immoral police officer who flagrantly violates the law is Oklahoma County district attorney Wes Lane's apparent indifference and unwillingness to up hold the law - all for the sake of politics.
JohnTV.com will have more to come.