According to the Oklahoma County jail blotter, Elijah Daniel Matelsky, 24, and his wife, Regina Jo Matelsky, 26, were arrested monday evening by Oklahoma City police officers in the 1700 block of Riviera Ln. (possible 'Rivera' and possibly 'Drive' instead of 'Lane' - the police report is not consistent).
Unconfirmed information given to JohnTV.com indicates the couple had placed an ad on CraigsList.com advertising escort services. CraigsList has come under fire over the years as a major contributor to online prostitution and even child trafficking, through use of its free and loosely regulated classified advertising services.
JohnTV.com has been able to confirm that Regina has been soliciting online under the name "Courtney[omitted by JohnTV.com]" on several adult oriented websites.
According to the official police report, "a vice enforcement officer made contact with [Regina Matelsky]. [Matelsky] agreed to provide specific sexual contact in exchange for $190."
When the Matelsky duo were being arrested, it was also discovered that they were concealing a stolen 2007 Ford Mustang in their garage.
Arresting officers confiscated a Motorola cell phone, Toshiba computer, electrical converter and two Lifestyles condoms (hey, she's a 'safety girl').
JohnTV.com placed a call to the Oklahoma County Jail and were told that Elijah is being held for Canadian County and the US Marshals. Regina is being held for Canadian County only.
A review of court records shows that Elijah is no stranger to the law.
In 2003, Elijah was found guilty of assault and battery. In 2006 he was found guilty of DUI. In that case, Elijah listed his employer and address as the U.S. Army.
As of this morning, both Elijah and Regina are still being held in the Oklahoma County jail.
On a side note, public records also show that the Matelsky duo filed a civil lawsuit in Oklahoma County against the Remington Apartments in OKC on November 13.
Court records show the Matelsky's are suing for $1,500 for "1st months rent, deposit and hotel bills, food, stress."
The Matelsky's listed a Bethany home address in the small claims court papers.
It's off the streets, who cares. This is perfect. None of us want this going in on our streets, but what two people agree to do is none of our business it's at THEIR house.
The prostitution was advertised publicly and on a site frequently visited by teens. Lets also not forget that obviously their children were present at the home where the prostitution was happening and the 2007 STOLEN Mustang in the garage. In general though, JohnTV.com supports decriminalization of prostitution that is 100% behind closed doors, 100% consentual and 100% unorganized.
wow this girl contacted me reguarding a vehicle i have fore sale she sent her pic hoping i would finiance her :)) i declined her proposal ,, BRYAN you are the man and keep up the great work my BROTHER in CHRIST. THANK YOU
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